
– Residents –

Our multifaceted support system is the most consistent strength identified by our residents in their exit interviews. We seek to provide practical support, including educational, financial and patient care resources. Our carefully designed support creates a foundation for community between the residents and faculty. This is achieved through a two-week orientation; Winter and Summer retreats; group Bible studies in faculty homes, residents and/or their spouses; intentional mentoring and faculty/behavioral advisory relationships. In addition to practical and structural support, In His Image desires that each resident be provided excellent personal support. Through mentoring, counseling and marriage support, our residents are provided assistance in balancing their personal and professional commitments.

Our residents enjoy spending time with each other. They are committed to solid family medicine training and are eager to explore what it means to be a physician with a global health perspective. The residents work as a team in an encouraging atmosphere. Though their training is rigorous, schedules ensure time for family, personal spiritual growth and recreation.

“This should be the toughest three years of your medical training, and you will want to do that in an environment where you are cared for as a person and can grow in your faith.”
Dr Ashley Hildebrand, MD, IHI Alum


  • Dominique Bothwell, DO

    I was born and raised in Omaha, NE, attended Spelman College in Atlanta, GA, where I was lost and broken. It was not until I came to Auburn, AL to obtain my Masters of Science that I surrendered my life to the Lord Jesus Christ, met my amazing husband Demetri Bothwell
    then started medical school. We have three beautiful children, two girls Na’Kiya and Kirsten and baby boy Josiah. I desire to serve
    marginalized people groups and am very passionate about lifestyle medicine and how the decisions we make every day affect our health. I am so grateful to be training at IHI and know that I will be equipped here to boldly profess that Gospel as my faith and medicine beautifully
    collide. In our free time, my family and I like to explore parks, read, travel, and hike and try different plant-based meals together.

    Resident Chief
    VCOM Auburn
    Opelika, AL
  • Merin John, MD

    I’m from Houston, Texas but was born and raised in Delhi, India until age 13. I graduated from THE University of Texas in Austin (hook ‘em horns) with a bachelors in Public Health and went to medical school at UT Southwestern in Dallas. Now I’m excited to be a resident at IHI where I get to train to be an excellent physician and explore various avenues to serve God. After residency, I would love to live missionally in an urban underserved community and/or overseas (hoping to figure that out throughout the course of residency). I’m passionate about board games, Indian street food (chaat) and nature walks/hiking…so let’s gooo.

    Resident Chief
    Univ TX SW Med Sch
    Dallas, TX
  • Joyanna Bass, MD

    My husband Evan & I thank God for His clear direction in having us join IHI. I was born & raised in France, lived a couple years in the Democratic Republic of Congo as a child, and moved to Philadelphia, PA for a BSc in Biomedical Engineering. I then joined my sister to live her dream of working on a kibbutz farm in Israel when doors flung open for me to stay and enroll at the Technion American Medical School in Haifa. Evan & I met there in his country. Together, we seek and rejoice in being exactly where the Lord would have us because we are convinced that to be in His will is the safest and most impactful place to be.

  • Jeanette Duan, MD

    I was born and raised in the beautiful suburbs of Kansas City, Kansas. After attending undergrad at University of Miami in Florida where I also had the privilege of spending a couple semesters abroad in the Galapagos Islands and Hong Kong, I came back home to attend the University of Kansas Medical School. Though I grew up in the church, the tears and rigor of medical school truly brought me to the feet of Jesus. As I depended on Him alone, I realized that there is nothing more fulfilling in this life than to be in His presence. I see medicine as an avenue to demonstrate God’s love to a broken world, and am interested in many aspects of family medicine. In my free time, I enjoy spending quality time with loved ones and friends, worshiping Jesus, and being outdoors in God’s creation.

    Univ KS Sch Med
    Olathe, KS
  • Drew Hollen, DO

    I was raised in Hoquiam, WA with two brothers and loving Christian parents. I attended medical school at Pacific Northwest University after finishing my Spanish degree at the University of Washington where I met my lovely wife, Megan, through playing on a worship band. I decided to pursue medicine after avidly enjoying medical mission trips, studying biology, and volunteering at local hospitals. We welcomed our daughter, Nora Grace, into the world last year, formalizing my dad joke license. My hobbies include board games, cooking, guitar, outdoor exploration, and peek-a-boo. We are excited to be a part of IHI and spread God’s love to our new community!

    Pacific NW Univ Hlth Sci
    Tumwater, WA
  • Travis Nash, DO

    Jesus raised me from the ashes of a broken household in abject chaos when I was a young adult. Surrounded by violence and vice, I cried out to heaven for help, and God saved me out of my morally corrupt situation and from my own spiritually bankrupt self. Since then, I’ve worked to become a doctor so I could heal and inspire others to the highest calling in life– namely through sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Only by God’s good kindness to me, I am now a husband and father of two young boys (Judah & Samuel)- whom I love to spend my free time with. My interests include reading, writing, discussions on philosophy, theology, apologetics, as well as performing home improvements, landscaping, and playing lawn and board games, and it is my sheer delight to join the In His Image family!

    Pacific NW Univ Hlth Sci
    Richland, WA
  • Adam Newborn, DO

    I am originally from Pittsburgh, PA where I grew up as the third of five kids. I was 5 years old when I told my parents that I wanted to become a missionary doctor. I have no idea how at that age I knew what a doctor or a missionary was, but this calling has continued since. I went to Cedarville University in Cedarville, OH where the Lord grabbed a hold of my heart for international medical missions. I studied medicine at Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine (CCOM) where I grew my passions for osteopathic medicine, full spectrum family medicine and obstetrical and maternal care. The Lord has paved the way for me to be at IHI and I’m thrilled to be able to live missionally and train medically with like- minded Christ followers! In my free time, I enjoy traveling, visiting National Parks, hiking, biking, and golfing

    Chicago Col
    Chicago, IL
  • Kimberly Wong, DO

    I am from Novato, CA, where I grew up in a Christian family and church and learned to love the Lord and hear His voice. I felt God’s calling to long-term medical missions in middle school and had the opportunity to travel overseas during my time in Bible College and Undergrad. While preparing to enter medical school, God called me to work with those who were being trafficked and used as sex slaves, so I answered His call by spending 10 months in Kolkata, India, working with those vulnerable women and girls. After, I ended up receiving my Master’s and osteopathic medicine degrees from Kansas City University. When not practicing medicine, you can find me singing and playing piano, crocheting animal hats for babies, reading for fun, cooking, eating and exploring new-to-me cultures. I’m excited to be part of the IHI family and learn how to be all God has called me to be.

    Kansas City Univ
    Kansas City, MO
  • Hannah Youmans, DO

    My family is from Lynchburg, VA, where I received my undergraduate degree and started my medical career at Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine. I met the love of my life, Zachary, at LUCOM and we enjoyed the start of marriage in Mississippi during our last two years of medical school. In this new season of residency, we are excited to build relationships with our new church and IHI family. Professionally, I am passionate about mental & spiritual health, OBGYN care, pediatric care, clinical procedures, and osteopathic manipulative medicine. Personally, I enjoy keeping up with family, adventuring with my husband and dog Ahsoka, cross stitching, and watching anything Star Wars.

    Liberty Univ
    New Albany, MS
  • Zachary Youmans, DO

    I was born here in Tulsa, but grew up in Siloam Springs, AR. I returned to Tulsa for college and graduated from Oral Roberts University which was a very formative time in my faith and the Lord was so good to me during those years. Following college, the Lord took me all the way to Virginia for medical school where I graduated from Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine and met my wife, Hannah. Apparently I can’t stay away because the Lord has seen fit to bring me back to Tulsa for residency. Hannah and I are so thrilled to be a part of the IHI family and to love on the people of Tulsa! In my spare time, I enjoy going on walks with Hannah and our dog, Ahsoka, playing board games and video games with my family and friends, reading theology and philosophy books, playing piano, and cooking.

    Liberty Univ
    New Albany, MS



  • Isaac Adams, MD

    I grew up amongst the almond orchards of California’s central valley, spent my teenage years serving missionally with my family on Les Iles de la Madeleine, in Quebec, Canada, and then settled down in Vermont’s Green Mountains where I attended medical school at the University of Vermont. At age 19, God powerfully turned my heart from materialism, giving me instead a burning passion to make his great name known to those who have yet to hear, using medicine to show Christ’s love to the broken and hopeless. I am thrilled to join the In His Image team for the family medicine and spiritual training that will become the foundation for my life’s pursuit of God. In my free time, I can be found running ultras, rock climbing, tinkering on old cars, grilling a rack of ribs, or hanging out with friends and family.

    University of Vermont
    Waterbury, VT
  • Sarah Bankhead, MD

    I grew up in Madisonville, Texas, which has given me a heart for rural and underserved medicine. I completed undergraduate studies at Texas A&M University. I attended medical school at St. George’s University on the island of Grenada but spent my first year of studies in Newcastle, England, before moving to the island and then lived in Brooklyn, NY where I completed most of my clinical rotations. My experiences have given me the desire to serve those in limited resource settings at home and abroad through gospel-driven medicine. God has graciously carried me through my medical journey thus far, and I am grateful to be a part of the IHI community and to see how God will continue to lead and teach. You will likely find me soaking up the sunshine, listening to theological podcasts, face timing my family, or snacking on dark chocolate.

    St. George’s University
  • Michael Estrada, DO

    I grew up in San Antonio, Texas then attended Oral Roberts University for undergraduate studies where I met my wife in our first biology class. I went on to attend Medical School at Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine in Fort Smith, Arkansas while my wife, Sarah, cared for our two children, David and Emma along with our two fur babies, Nobel and Elliot. I am a true family man and love spending time with my wife and kids. I enjoy playing video games with my son and having movie nights. I am also a die hard Cowboys fan! How bout them Cowboys! Most importantly, I am so thankful I have the opportunity to serve the Lord through medicine at home and the missions field with my family by my side.

    Fort Smith, AR
  • Sheeba George, MD

    I was born in India but spent most of my childhood in Saudi Arabia and it was there where I came to know the Lord. My father sowed the seed of missions in my heart as he served as an evangelist among the migrant workers and my mother inspired me to pursue medicine as she was a nurse. I attended medical school in St. Lucia and completed my rotations in Atlanta, GA. Soon after, I met my loving husband, Charles, and we moved to Lakeland, FL, where we are serving the Lord in the local medical missions and helping with the children’s ministry. In every step of my journey, I see God’s hand working in my life. We are so grateful to join the IHI family and it is our sincere prayer that we become excellent instruments in our Master’s hand. My interests include traveling, short term missions, trying new cuisines, and spending time with family and friends.

    Amer. Int’l Med.
    St. Lucia
  • Micah Gerakinis, DO

    If you point to the head of the fifth metacarpal bone on the palmar side of your right hand, that’s where I’m from in Michigan! I attended undergraduate at Grace College in Indiana and medical school at Michigan State University. These past few years my love for Jesus has grown as I’ve seen more of his gentle heart for me and others. I’m thrilled to join the IHI family! I enjoy visiting baseball stadiums, playing Settlers of Catan, and eating peanut butter.

    Michigan State
    Allendale Ch. Township, MI
  • Jeremiah Hadwen, MD

    I grew up in Ottawa, Canada and I did my post-secondary training in Ottawa. I graduated with a combined MD/PhD degree from the University of Ottawa in 2019. I have been married for almost 10 years and my wife Anna and I have 5 daughters – our eldest is 9 years old and our youngest is 4 months old. We moved to Tulsa in January 2024 to train with In His Image. Anna and I are passionate about physical and spiritual wellness, and we seek to use my work as a doctor to reach people with the gospel of Jesus. We enjoy outdoor activities, sports, and spending time as a family visiting new places.

    University of Ottawa
    Ottawa, Canada
  • Sandra Hershberger, DO

    I am Mexican-Bolivian-American, born in Mexico City, and raised in northern Virginia where I completed my undergraduate degree at George Mason University. I attended medical school at Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine where I developed interests in full-scope Family Medicine, behavioral health, obstetrics, and osteopathic manipulative medicine. Now, I rejoice and praise the Lord for leading me to In His Image for residency! I am excited to join such an incredible family that shares my heart for medical missions. After residency, my desire is to serve long- term on the mission field overseas, offering hope for physical healing as well as spiritual healing through the gospel of Jesus Christ.Inmyfreetime,Ienjoygamenights,soccerjuggling, exploring new places with friends, and taekwondo– ki-ya!

    Liberty Univ.
    Lynchburg, VA
  • Wesley Hostetler, DO

    I grew up in a small town in southwest Alabama and after that I moved off to college at Troy University. Troy was hugely formative in my life because of the people God surrounded me with. It wasn’t until I was a sophomore in college that the Lord was able to break through my heart with the gospel and I was saved. Simultaneously, the Lord laid a burden on my heart for the lost that have never even heard about Jesus or the good news of his death, resurrection and defeat of sin. After Troy, I moved a little farther north into Alabama, to VCOM Auburn for medical school, which is where I met my sweet wife, Katie. Together we enjoy road tripping out west, hiking and camping with our 2-year- old golden retriever aptly named Camper, canoeing, and all things outside. My wife Katie and I are so excited to be a part of IHI!

    Edward Via – Auburn
    Troy, AL
  • Brett Seeley-Hacker, MD

    How wonderful that God has placed us at IHI! My wife, Carly, and I both moved around a bit growing up. For my part, I’ve called Washington, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, Thailand, and Italy home over the years. Living as a Catholic family in Rome was especially fantastic! My parents raised me in the Church, and it was around 15 years of age that I started to make the faith my own. Since then, it has been a joy to fall deeper in love with Jesus all through college and medical school. As you might expect, I’m a fan of traveling, but I also enjoy making music, baking homemade breads, gardening, exploring the outdoors, playing board games, and studying philosophy/theology. Life with the Lord has been a wonderful adventure thus far, so here’s to all that God has in store for us in Tulsa!”

    Columbia University
    New York, NY
  • Ashley Swan, MD

    I am originally from a tiny town in Missouri, but have lived in various places, including Florida, Tennessee, Texas, the Carolinas, California, and now Oklahoma. I am honored to have graduated from Loma Linda School of Medicine. Outside of medicine, I enjoy playing board games, exercising, singing and playing instruments, studying the Bible, reading, and spending time with family and friends. My purpose in life is to become more like Jesus and to serve others. It is my prayer that God will be the center of my life during residency and beyond!

    Loma Linda Univ
    Loma Linda, CA


  • Robbie Crane, MD

    I was born and raised in Colorado Springs before attending Grove City College (in Pennsylvania) and West Virginia University School of Medicine. Interested in Global Health, I visited the Global Missions Health Conference and met In His Image! With a long weekend you’ll find me out backpacking or visiting a new national park. During the week I enjoy running, Frisbee, soccer, and cooking food alongside my pet turtle.

    West Virginia University
    Charleston, WV
  • Abigail Dibert, DO

    My journey started in Maryland, where I was raised in a Christian family and first committed my life in service to Christ. On a mission trip during my senior year of college, I received a calling to follow God into medical missions. Medical school experiences at Campbell University in North Carolina confirmed my calling into mission-centered, broad scope primary care while cultivating interests in osteopathic manipulative medicine and obstetrics. I am honored to join a program that recognizes the value of incorporating faith in medicine to address the medical and spiritual needs of patients. Outside of medicine, I enjoy hiking, photographing nature, and listening to audiobooks.

    Campbell University
    Lillington, NC
  • Lance Hofer-Draper, MD

    I am originally from Colorado, but finished high school in Tennessee, and went to California for undergrad and medical school. The Christian education I received at Weimar College and Loma Linda University fostered my love to serve those less fortunate than myself. Lord willing, I plan to use the training I receive as a physician to share His love with people in the U.S. and abroad. Incorporating lifestyle medicine treatments into my practice is something I am also passionate about, and would like to incorporate as I build long-lasting relationships with my patients.

    Loma Linda
    Loma Linda, CA
  • Krystel Martin, MD

    My husband, Ekiti, and I were born and raised in Cameroon. We grew up in Christian homes but individually accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior at some point in medical school. We are blessed with three wonderful kids: Carmichael, Jedidah, and Jacob. Since graduating from medical school, we have been involved in several faith based medical missions in underserved areas in Cameroon offering free primary care and reaching out to the souls of men. We count it a privilege and are so grateful for this opportunity to train at IHI. It is my desire to merge my faith and profession by serving God through a faith-based approach to practicing medicine. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time in fellowship with God, my family, and loved ones. I also love singing and listening to music.

    Université de Yaoundé.
  • Madison McLain, MD

    I grew up in Amarillo, Texas and then attended Colorado Christian University for undergraduate studies and to play soccer. From there I made my way back home to Texas for medical school at Texas Tech University. The Lord has been faithful in every step of this journey including this next step of joining the team at IHI! I am so excited to join In His Image and look forward to continuing to learn how to do medicine unto His glory. In my free time I enjoy trail + road running, backpacking, anything outdoors, supporting local coffee shops, and game nights with friends and family.

    Texas Tech University
    Lubbock, TX
  • Addison Nakashima, DO

    I was born and raised in Claremore, Oklahoma, where I later attended Rogers State University. While I was in college, I met my husband, Chris, and started a campus ministry for young adults with a focus on missions work in Costa Rica. I attended medical school at Oklahoma State University, where I acquired my masters degrees in global health and healthcare administration, and worked in the global medicine department organizing medical missions trips for medical students. I have had the experiences of traveling the world and providing medical care to rural and underserved communities both in Oklahoma and abroad, which is where I am truly happiest. My hobbies include hanging out with my dogs, Rowan, Higgins, and Mojo, crafting, playing golf, reading, and watching baseball!

    Oklahoma State University
    Tulsa, OK
  • CJ Page, MD

    I grew up in South Africa with missionary parents and had the privilege of studying medicine there at the University of the Witwatersrand. Recently God has brought me back to the US and I’ve been helping care for my grandmother while transitioning to the medical system here. My background has left me with a desire to help families understand and manage their chronic conditions before they get worse, and has given me a unique interest in care for people living with HIV. Long-term I would love to be involved in global health and global missions, and am looking forward to the journey ahead!

    University of Witwatersrand
    Johannesburg, South Africa 
  • Jenny Paul, DO

    I grew up in Murphy, Texas, a suburb of DFW. After graduating from Baylor University, I served as an AmeriCorps volunteer in an under-resourced middle school. Following my gap year, I studied medicine at the University of North Texas Health Science Center. It was during the difficulties of medical school that I gained a deeper understanding of God’s faithfulness, mercy, and love. I am grateful to learn the art of family medicine at In His Image because it is an answered prayer. My interests include preventative medicine, medical missions, and medical education. I enjoy reading, baking, and spending time with loved ones during my free time.

    University of North Texas
    Forth Worth, TX
  • Montana Schemanski, DO

    I was born in Erie PA, then moved to OH, and then ended up in Harrodsburg Ky. I went to undergrad at EKU where I met my amazing wife Tristan. Then I attended UPIKE-KYCOM for medical school. God has completely captivated my heart and I want to live my life for Him. He has called me to use medicine to bring physical healing as well as spiritual healing through the Good News of Jesus. I want to work with the underserved both domestically and overseas, and am excited to see God work out the details! Some of my passions are OMT and obstetrics. In my free time I like to collect… Hobbies! So if you have anything new to try, sign me up! I enjoy being outside, exercising, playing instruments, video games, learning Spanish, and eating the pinnacle of food-peanut butter. My wife and I are so thankful to be able to join the IHI family!

    University of Pikeville
    Pikeville, KY
  • An-jou Shih, MD

    I am from Taiwan originally, but when I was six my family moved to Shanghai, China, where I completed all my education including medical school. My life goal is to live more like Jesus and make a positive impact on others. I’m thrilled to join the IHI family and am excited to grow closer to God and deepen my faith. In my spare time, I love hanging out with friends and family, playing the piano, going hiking, traveling, and just being out in nature. I am also a huge foodie and enjoy trying out different cuisines whenever I get the chance.

    Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    Shanghai, China

– Faculty –

We believe if residents are well trained and fully trained, they will become like their teachers. Therefore, the caliber of our faculty, our teachers, is of utmost importance. Every In His Image faculty member is passionate about their faith and view the practice of medicine as a calling and ministry. They are all active in clinical practice to ensure up-to-date skills and knowledge and to serve as a quality example for training residents. In addition to our core faculty, about 50 partner physicians in the community teach our residents their specialty during rotations.

  • John Crouch, MD

    John Crouch, MD

    Executive Director Emeritus
  • Mitch Duininck, MD

    Mitch Duininck, MD

    Residency Director & CEO
  • Clay Powell, MD

    Clay Powell, MD

    Senior Associate Residency Director
  • Chris Place, MD

    Chris Place, MD

    Associate Residency Director
  • Ed Rylander, MD

    Ed Rylander, MD

    Designated Institutional Official
  • David Simpson, PhD

    David Simpson, PhD

    Behavioral Medicine Director
  • Matt Acker, MD

    Matt Acker, MD

  • Daniel Bancroft, DO

    Daniel Bancroft, DO

  • Brandon Ganzer, DO

    Brandon Ganzer, DO

  • Jacob Greuel, MD

    Jacob Greuel, MD

  • Matt Haney

    Matt Haney, DO

  • Chris Jenkins, MD

    Chris Jenkins, MD

  • Scott Keller, MD

    Scott Keller, MD

  • Chase Ledbetter, DO

    Chase Ledbetter, DO

  • Joel Leitch, MS

  • Erin Liening, MD

    Erin Liening, MD

  • Amanda Nichols, DO

  • Enis Sakirgil, MD

    Enis Sakirgil, MD

  • Sarah Santillano, MD

    Sarah Santillano, MD

  • Michelle Satterlee, Psy.D

    Michelle Satterlee, Psy.D

  • Joel Slaughter, DO

    Joel Slaughter, DO

– alumni –

Over 350 doctors have graduated from our residency program, we stay connected through our In His Image Alumni Association. Our alumni work in a variety of locations of medical practice settings in the U.S. and abroad. Although only 10-15% of our residents come from Oklahoma, nearly 25% of the IHI graduates have decided to practice medicine in Oklahoma – many of whom are serving in inner city Tulsa and the greater Tulsa area. About 15% of IHI graduates are currently serving as long-term global health workers and another 10% are working with underserved populations in the U.S. Most who live in the states are actively involved in domestic or short-term international health outreach, and many are involved in medical education as part of their careers.

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– Tulsa, OK –

We love calling the city of Tulsa home, with its numerous parks, many nearby lakes, over 1,000 restaurants, and extensive retail shopping. One of the largest parks, spanning 100 acres along the Arkansas River, is the Gathering Place. It was chosen by TIME magazine as a top 100 greatest places in the US. We have 135 parks and trails in the Tulsa area. Many say it is like a big city, but with a small-town feel. Tulsa is a city in America’s heartland where you can feel good about bringing your family.Tulsa embraces diversity. There is a plethora of churches to choose from, as well as local businesses and organizations that are dedicated to sharing our cultures. Tulsa is also a place that highlights the arts! It is home to world-class art museums, ballet, opera, theatre, and an outstanding philharmonic orchestra. Another very real benefit: salaries stretch farther in Tulsa. While the quality of life here is high, the cost of living is comfortably below the national average.

Tulsa is listed as one of the Top Ten Places to Live by “Relocate America.” Visit these websites for more information: travelok.com and visittulsa.com.